Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cruising the Snake River

Wednesday August 31, 2011
We survived and I didn’t fall out of the boat!  Actually a pretty neat experience, very tame, no rapids, no getting wet.  The trip covered about 10 miles of the Snake River.  It provided a different perspective to what we had seen.  A couple of pictures follow.

Yep thats an eagle. We saw 5 on this little trip, including a mated pair.  Wow, that is the most eagles we have ever seen in such a short time frame.

 We really liked the Tetons, but the hiking was not what we expected.  The campground was nice although a lttle tight.  Prices for stuff was again in rip-off territory.  Example, a shower is $3.75. To put that in perspective, I got the truck washed in Jackson for $7!

Speaking of the truck, I now have over 4000 miles.  Mileage around both parks no trailer, about 17 mpg, which I am very happy about.  On a good day the van might have pulled 14 mpg solo.

Tomorrow we head toward Salt Lake City.  Thinking running WY 189 to I-80.  I-80 has a couple big hills east of SLC, so we'll see how we do at expressway speed.

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